Working With Lead – Safety Tips
We would like to reassure you that the lead sheet or any lead products you receive from Midland Lead are not considered to be hazardous materials, therefore they are not covered by COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health).
Working with lead does not present a health risk, provided you follow some very simple steps:
- Always wear protective clothing, e.g. work gloves and safety boots, when handling lead products.
- Wash your hands thoroughly – even if you’ve been wearing gloves – as soon as you’ve finished work (and before eating, drinking or smoking).
- Do not eat, drink or smoke in the immediate working area.
- When welding or burning lead products, wear safety goggles and respiratory protective equipment.
- When sweeping up in a lead storage area, wear a protective mask and, where possible, spray water onto the dust as you sweep.
- Lead is a heavy metal and care should be taken when lifting. Do not attempt to lift a roll of lead or any of our products, unless you are completely confident you can lift them safely. Make use of lifting aids whenever possible.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any more safety advice regarding working with lead. You can also download a free leaflet – INDG305 ‘Lead and You’ – from the Health and Safety Executive website.