Staff Spotlight – Meet Steve Watt
Midland Lead’s Steve Watt has been our Operations Manager since June 2018 and he doesn’t get the chance to get out much – far too busy – so we thought we would ask him a few questions so you can get to know him better. He may be a man of few words, but we feel we know him a whole lot better now!
How would you describe your day to day job?
Midland Lead’s Time Traveller.
If you could swap your job for a day – whose job would you want?
Lewis Hamilton.
If you could learn to do anything new, what would it be?
I would love to learn another language – quickly…
If you could pick one superpower – what would that be?
The ability to fly.
What song title best describes your personality?
Just Keep Swimming – Finding Nemo.
If you could talk to a 15-year-old you – what would you tell them?
If someone asks you to do something you think you cannot do, say yes and learn how to do it.
If you spend 30 minutes with anyone – who would that be?
Leonardo da Vinci. Few people know that he designed the contact lens in 1508, now that was great forward planning and he had an incredible mind!
Finish this sentence: I once met…
Martin Johnson, England Rugby Captain and World Cup Winning Captain. When I met him, I shook his hand for an uncomfortably long time, whilst grinning…
Tell us 3 things most people at work don’t know about you.
I got caught naked climbing the Trent Bridge gate on a Rugby tour – not my fault!
I worked very hard and trained to be a fighter pilot – but I failed.
When I was 5 years old, I swam five miles.
What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?
Spending time with my kids and family.