Happy New Year!
We'd like to start 2013 with some exiciting news – we'd like to announce the winners of our
Want to talk about your next construction project, got a question about lead or just need to talk to one of our office staff… Fill in this form, and we’ll ring you back today.
We'd like to start 2013 with some exiciting news – we'd like to announce the winners of our
Lead sheet is an easy and straightforward building product to work with. If it’s stored, treated and fitted correctly, it doesn’t need any work to it, once installed. You can literally ‘fit it and forget it’! However, there are some …
As part of Midland Lead's planned expansion programme, we've recently employed new professionals to join our sales and customer support team. We are very pleased to introduce you to our South England sales and support team: Marc Aiken (regional sales …
This autumn Midland Lead has developed a
For our autumn 2012 exclusive Loyalty Card offer, we will be giving our Loyalty Card customers 25% discount on all ancillaries with their lead orders this November. Plus, we'll enter all Loyalty Card holders who place an order this month …
We'd like to announce the winners of our Halloween promotion: Kully Singh from City Plastics Ltd in West Bromwich Sam Jackson from Merseyside Salte & Tile Co Ltd in Kirkdale John Eaton from SRM Ltd in Sharnbrook Mark Godfrey from …
Recently Midland Lead commissioned a study to compare the suitability of our machine cast lead to rolled lead for use in radiation shielding. And we're very pleased to share the results with you, as it once again shows that our …
With Halloween on our doorstep, we'd like to treat you to an irresistible bucket of 45 treat size Cadbury bars! All you need to do is place a lead order (half a tonne minumum) with us on the 10th, 11th …
Friday 6th of July 2012, two technical officers from the National House-Building Council (NHBC) paid a visit to our factory in Swadlincote. This visit enabled the two NHBC consultants to see first-hand the quality checks and manufacturing processes that are …
Now and again, we and our customers, receive lead orders that turn out to be scams. Because we’ve been in the business for nearly 30 years now, we know what signs to look out for and we’d like to share …