First to comply with new H & S standard
After a year of careful preparations, auditors of the British Standards Institute (BSI) have been able to congratulate Midland Lead on the company’s successful implementation of the new British Standard for occupational health & safety management systems (BS OHSAS 18001:2007). And although prior to this implementation process Midland Lead already had a very good health & safety system in place, we’re very proud of this recent achievement. We’re one of the first companies in the UK to successfully implement a BS OHSAS 18001 compliant system. What’s more, we’re one of only three companies (registered by the BSI) in the base metals industry to hold both an OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 certificate.
Boudewijn Tuinenburg, managing director, Midland Lead: “The health and safety of our employees and other people on site is our number one priority, so I am very pleased with the work of all our staff involved in getting this occupational health & safety management certificate. Moreover, this health and safety management system together with our environmental management system (ISO 14001) demonstrates that Midland Lead can provide a reliable service without excessive downtime caused by work-related accidents or incidents.”