The Royal Liverpool University Hospital

Lead products used:
2400 sqm. of lead-lined boards with accompanying lead strips and battens
Andrew Shankland, Project leader, Astins Ltd
“Midland Lead’s approach has mirrored our dedication to providing the highest standrads of quality and delivery. Their attention to detail and flexibility to develop a bespoke logistical solution to fit our needs has been invaluable.”
Andrew Shankland, Project leader, Astins Ltd
Quick Facts
Midland Lead supplied 2400 sqm of lead-lined boards with accompanying lead strips and battens to Astins, the dry lining contractor for the construction project. The boards were supplied in both plywood and plasterboard with lead shielding ranging from Code 3 through to Code 7, suitable for use across a range of diagnostic and interventional applications.
Our Approach
The Royal Liverpool Hospital is the first project to go through our new quality management system which has been developed specifically when working with large construction sites. The staged process is designed to identify any logistical barriers at the early stages of the project. Packaging and delivery solutions are then tailor-made to fit the needs of the individual site.
Meetings were held on site with the construction team to identify possible restrictions and agree labelling requirements prior to detailed order placement. The project team met after the first initial test delivery to discuss and agree any required adjustments.
Delivery pallets were shrink wrapped with clear labels identifying the lead code and room location together with handling instructions. Each individual board carried a label showing the board type, the lead code together with the room and specific wall location.
By developing a thorough logistics process and working closely with the Astins site team we minimised the risk of product damage and aided on-site efficiency.
The Project
Work to build the new £335m Royal Liverpool University Hospital began in spring 2014. The hospital, which is scheduled to open its doors to patients in 2017, will have 646 bedrooms extending across 23 wards together with 18 operating theatres. the 12 storey hospital is one of the new generation of hospital builds which sees an end to shared wards.
Project Contractor
Astins is a leading contractor offering dry lining, ceilings and specialist internal fit out to main contractors. Established in 1996, the company is now one of the largest drywall specialist contractors in the UK with a turnover in excess of £45m.
The company has a vast amount of experience in working on large and complex projects within the healthcare sector. As well as working on the development of the new Royal Liverpool Hospital the company is currently delivering the dry lining package for Nya Karolinska Solna (NKS) in Stockholm, the world’s largest hospital build funded by public private partnerships.
- Astins Ltd.
- T: 0845 260 9401