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BSI impressed with overall safety culture of Midland Lead

On this occasion, the audit (BS OHSAS 18001) mainly concentrated on occupational health and employee consultation & participation. The business standards company also considered the overall health and safety objectives, improvements and challenges faced by Midland Lead.

We’re very pleased to report that there were no non-conformities raised by the auditor. The BSI furthermore stated that Midland Lead has an on-going commitment to reducing the risk of ill-health and injury and ensuring compliance with legal and other requirements, as evidenced by the significant investment in both time and finance provided towards this aim. Moreover, the auditor highlighted the positive focus on human behaviour and the overall safety culture that is promoted within Midland Lead.

Working with lead sheeting, flashings and lead ancillary products do not present a health risk, provided that some simple precautionary rules are adhered to:

For more details on our full lead sheeting and ancillary products range, go to our product pages.